Global Missions

so that the world may know

Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples. Psalm 96:3

Missionaries We Support

COTN believes that by partnering with nationals in each of the countries they serve, they care for children from infancy to adulthood. They want each child to reach their full potential. They believe that in order to raise healthy, well-rounded children, you mustcare for the whole child.

IberoAmerican Ministries is a church planting and compassion-based organization working to see peoples, communities and nations transformed by Christ, through the global movements of Kingdom disciples. Working in South America, West Africa, the Middle East, and Europe, IAM’s goal is to see disciples of Christ rise up and continue extending His kingdom to other parts of the world. Since 1992 IAM has worked using dynamic discipleship techniques and a variety of compassion and education projects to see this goal come alive. With your support, we can continue to make this happen and see God’s kingdom reach all peoples. 

One Challenge is involved in Missions Mobilization, Church Planting & Growth, Education, Holistic Ministry, Leadership Development, Member Care, Partnering & Bridge Building, Research, Sports Ministries, as well as Business for Transformation

Africa Inland Mission serves and partners with churches to advance the gospel among Africans who have the least opportunity to hear about Jesus. 

IAM is a church planting and compassion-based organization working to see peoples, communities and nations transformed by Christ, through the global movements of Kingdom disciples. Working in South America, West Africa, the Middle East, and Europe, IAM’s goal is to see disciples of Christ rise up and continue extending His kingdom to other parts of the world. Since 1992 IAM has worked using dynamic discipleship techniques and a variety of compassion and education projects to see this goal come alive. With your support, we can continue to make this happen and see God’s kingdom reach all peoples. 

CTEN is a servant organization which helps missionaries fulfill the unique vision God has given them. Through administrative support we provide accountability and help the missionary get to the field. Through pastoral care we help them remain effective and healthy while there. 

Extending Independent Churches in the Northwest — that is the goal of the NICE organization — to come alongside churches in order to help them extend themselves by planting other churches.

India National Inland Missions, bringing souls to Christ, Teaching souls in Christ, Sending souls for Christ.

There are people who, simply because of where they were born, will never have the chance at the same life many of us in the developed world enjoy. A life where their children can go to school, where they can get medical care, where they can get help when disaster strikes, where they can experience the love of Jesus.

Millions of people around the world live cut-off from all this and more by either geographic barriers—like jungles, mountains, and deserts—or by social, political, or religious barriers.

Our vision at Mission Aviation Fellowship is to see isolated people changed by the love of Christ.

InterAct Ministries desires to see reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ impacting communities across the North Pacific Crescent. 

TEAM, The Evangelical Alliance Mission, began in 1890 as one man’s dream to send 100 missionaries to China. Today, it’s a global missions agency that partners with local churches to send missionaries and plant reproducing churches around the world. 

Our missionaries have a passion to go where the most people have the greatest need. They serve through church planting, community development, healthcare, social justice, business as mission and more. But whatever their ministry, each missionary has the same goal: proclaiming the Gospel in word and deed.

We work to alleviate basic needs, improve infrastructure and build the skill base for our region.  By partnering with churches, organizations and friends from around the globe we can empower ordinary Liberians both physically and spiritually. And you can help.

Whether you help dig a well, feed a family, construct a road, microfinance a business or train a pastor, you are contributing to the wellbeing of all Liberians.

To support online:, under “designation”, select Pastor Anthony Missionary Support.

By mail: Embrace Liberia PO Box 2548 Poulsbo, WA 98370 Note “for the Ministry of Anthony Sackor”

Training Leaders International trains pastors and leaders around the world, partnering with local leaders who have invited us to provide the theological training pastors and leaders desperately need. We meet this need through modular training, teaching in formal schools, planting schools and leading international churches. 

Our Mission

To Make Disciples that Make Disciples

Missionary Partners

With your tithes and offerings, you partner with IBC to minister both locally and globally.

Thank you for faithfully partnering with us!